Elected vice president of the 10th District in 2021, Stephen Gilman joined the fire service after serving in the United States Marine Corps (U.S.M.C.) and operating his own small business, Gilman Chiropractic. Raised in a union household, he learned early that service and relationships are the core of a union's strength.
As a firefighter in Goodyear, Arizona, DVP Gilman has worked his way through the ranks, from firefighter to engineer to captain. As a union leader, he has followed a similar path, taking leadership roles head-on at the local, state, and national levels.
DVP Gilman has been active in the IAFF for over a decade, serving as his local's president (United Goodyear Firefighters, Local 4005) for 12 years and on the executive board of the Professional Fire Firefighters of Arizona (PFFA) for eight years. He began his 10th District service in 2018 when he was appointed as a district field services representative by then DVP-Frank Lima. Since then, he has worked with scores of Team 10th locals in each of the district's states, building relationships and helping members access the resources they need to promote job safety; fair compensation and bargaining rights; physical and mental health for active and retired firefighters; and to improve the quality of life enjoyed by firefighters and their families.
DVP Gilman believes unequivocally in the Team 10th concept: No local left behind.

Our States
"Team 10th" represents the professional fire fighters of Arizona, California, Hawaii, and New Mexico.
View our StatesOur Mission
The IAFF 10th District represents and assists IAFF fire fighters while they risk everything to protect life and property.
Read about our mission