Professional Fire Fighters of Arizona
The inception of PFFA came about as a successor to the Arizona State Firemen’s Association, founded in 1924. During the 1960s, a divide emerged between career and volunteer firefighters. The volunteers wanted to focus on fraternal activities and remain out of the political fray. Career firefighters wished to get more political and fight for reduced hours and a retirement system. The inevitable came in 1967, and the career firefighters formed the Professional Fire Fighters of Arizona. It is our mission to care for those who are here today, those who have gone before us and those who will surely follow.
Our States
"Team 10th" represents the professional fire fighters of Arizona, California, Hawaii, and New Mexico.
View our StatesOur Mission
The IAFF 10th District represents and assists IAFF fire fighters while they risk everything to protect life and property.
Read about our mission